SNAFU Con is an anime convention in the Reno/Sparks area of Nevada. Friday, November 1st through Sunday, November 3rd, 2024 in The Reno-Sparks Convention Center, 4590 S Virginia St, Reno, NV 89502


Social Media



Volunteering / Staffing

Donate Your Time

SNAFU-Con is run entirely by people who are donating their time and effort for the good of con.

The most important thing you can do to help us is Register.

Tell your friends! Post a link to us to your Facebook, Twitter, Deviant Art, Tumblr, LinkedIn; Write a review for your Uber/Lyft mentioning SNAFU Con; Post in your Pokemon Go Discord group!

If you're interested in working with us more directly, you can become a staff member or volunteer for the con. See below for more information.


Want to help out the con, but don't have the experience, or the desire to fill a staff position? Volunteer. Want to get a full or partial refund of your badge? Volunteer.

What are the benefits of volunteering?
As a volunteer, you still must register to get into the con, but if you log 12 hours or more volunteering; you could get your full weekend badge refunded. If you want to enjoy all of con has to offer and can’t dedicate that much time, you can still get a partial refund depending on how many hours you volunteer. If you only have a day badge, you only need to log 4 hours for a full refund.

What does a volunteer do?
A volunteer can help with setup, tear-down, video-room sitting, registration desk, badge-checking, running a game in the tabletop area, and more. If you have a preference, our Volunteers Manager will try to place you where you'd like to be. We will also put pre-con advertising efforts with staff members towards your time (see below). If you are interested in volunteering please email [email protected]

How can I volunteer?
Volunteers must be 14 years old. You can apply to be a volunteer beforehand in our registration system, but we also accept volunteers at the convention. Find our Head of Volunteers by following Mr. Squid.

Volunteers must fill out one of the following forms and hand it to a staff member before they will be allowed to volunteer. These forms will also be available at the Volunteers Desk at con.
Volunteer Contract Ages 18+
Volunteer Consent Form Ages 14-17


Do you desire more responsibility than the average volunteer? Do you have the drive to go out and get things done without a large amount of supervision? We are looking for staff members in almost every department.

What is the difference between Staff and Volunteer?
Staff are volunteers that have more responsibility. They are expected to put in more time and work than a Volunteer, but they have more freedom to do what they want in their department.

What are the benefits of Staffing?
It is a fun and rewarding experience… there is also food (Staffers get access to the Staff only catering). In addition, you do not have to pay for your badge. YOU GET IN FREE! We also provide a discount on T-Shirts and a bit of extra swag in your Con Bags. You will get access to the Staff side of the SNAFU Con Discord Channel. Last but not least, you will have a voice in choosing the next year’s THEME!

You are part of the Team and you get to see a different side to the con. You get the rewarding feeling of a job well done and the sigh of relief when things go right. There are plenty of problem-solving opportunities, too.

What does it take to be Staff?
Staff are required to attend 3 pre-con meetings a year. If you are out of state, or genuinely cannot make the meetings, you apply for a meeting excusal. We would still like you to review the Staff Meeting notes to keep current on what’s going on.

Staff do not have a minimum number of hours to complete because we expect them to be motivated and to be achieving their goals without too much prompting. Upper staff are here to help out newer staff, as well.

How can I Staff?
Attendees can apply to be staff by filling out a staff application in our registration system. Please provide a good reason of why you want to be staff. We really want to know what you care about and how we can help you help us.

Unfortunately, we do not accept Staff at-con, but you can always Volunteer.

Still unsure?
Head on over to our Discord Channel and ask some staffers. We love to share our experiences and we want to hear from you.


When applying for Staff or Volunteer, you will be asked where you would like to be placed. Here is a rough estimate of what you might be doing in some of the different departments (please note, this is not an exhaustive list, you might be asked to do things that are not on this list):

Artist Alley: Helping with the layout of tables, help artist with check-in/out and taxes, as well as doing regular checks on all the artists.

Cosplay: Manning the cosplay repair room (people signing waivers, giving our repair supplies, maybe even help with repairs). Select and organize the Cosplay Meet-Ups. Help with Masquerade (please note that Cosplay Volunteers cannot participate in the Masquerade)

Logistics: Help load in and load out. Occasionally help move tables during con. You can log all of your hours before and after con, leaving you free to have fun and do all the things at-con. Logistics volunteers who stay for the entirety of load out will receive all of their volunteer hours, even if it less than 12.

Photography (Marketing): Take pictures of events happening around con. Capture the essence of the con experience to share with others on Social Media. (All photos are required to be copied to the convention, but you can still do what you want with them.)

Programming: Checking badges at programming checkpoints, checking panelists in, taking counts of the attendance in the panel rooms, signaling for help if the panelist needs tech support, collect feedback from attendees on panels. and signaling the panelists when they are getting close to the end of their block.
Programming - Main Stage: Entertain the crowd and fill the Main Stage with content. Help with the larger events on the Main Stage. Be a dancing monkey.
Programming – Video: Select what anime we will show at con, requesting licensing permissions, and make sure everything is playing during con.

Registration: Customer service. Check people in to convention at the computers (minor cash handling skills are required), make and distribute badges, and help with line/crowd control (be ready to smile).

Rovers: Customer service. Badge checking areas, line control+), peace bonding, info desk (answering question or finding out the answer via chat), checking IDs for 18+ Programming (must be 18+), and ensuring the safety of congoers (e.g. escorting people to their cars late at night).

Tech: Watching the con’s equipment and resetting it as needed, setting up the rooms, striking the equipment, helping with larger events, and handing out at the Main Stage.

Vendors: Determine the layout of vendors, choosing which vendors are accepted, assisting with check-in/out and taxes.

Website & Reg Admin: (STAFF ONLY) Make the website look pretty, update the content, write new components for our registration section. Should be familiar with Symfony (PHP), JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Pre-Con Advertising

We will be going to other conventions and anime events to try and bring in pre-registrations and spread the word about SNAFU con. If you would like to help with these efforts, we will count it towards your volunteer time. You may not even have to buy a badge if you put in all your hours before the con starts (easy to do)! If you are interested in volunteering please email [email protected].

Too young?

No individual under 18 will be a staff member for the convention. However, if you are under 18, you may still volunteer with parental consent. Volunteers are welcome to attend staff meetings, and may be given assignments that will go towards their 12 hours.

Absolutely no minor under the age of 14 will be allowed to volunteer due to Nevada Labor Laws. Although it isn't exactly employment, we don't want to walk into any gray areas.

Minors ages 14-17 will be asked to have a release form signed by a parent or guardian before participating in any volunteer activities.

How to Volunteer or Staff

If you want to help out you will need to fill out this form.
You will have to have a user account already in the system (hint: if you've ever been to SNAFU Con before you have a user in the system). If you need to you can register here.

Once you're logged in, if you haven't created your badge yet, you will need to do so right away.

The link above is a direct link to the staff/volunteer form but you can also get there from "More options" in your menu.

If you are a volunteer you will need to pay for your badge, and if you are approved as staff your badge will be comped as soon as you upload your contract.