SNAFU Con is an anime convention in the Reno/Sparks area of Nevada. Friday, November 1st through Sunday, November 3rd, 2024 in The Reno-Sparks Convention Center, 4590 S Virginia St, Reno, NV 89502

Read our full COVID-19 policy here.


Social Media



Panelist Info


SNAFU Con is a fan run convention and that means we have fun panels run by fans just like you.

Submit a Panel

Submitting a panel is quite simple. First you must have a login for our registration system. Once you have logged into our registration system, click the link that says "You can do so here" and that will allow you to submit your panel. Then we use technical wizardry to put your panel onto our schedule.

Panelist Info

A few things to note:
  • Only individuals of legal contracting age (18+) may submit panels.
  • The submitter of the panel is the leader of the panel for all intents and purposes.
  • This is NOT a suggestion box. By submitting the form, you are asserting that you fully intend on running this panel.
  • We REALLY like panels with easy copy/pastable names and descriptions for the web and con book (grammar counts). We still may alter the title and/or description.
  • You must provide a rating for your panel. We may adjust it. Our current ratings are are:
    • General (all audience).
    • 16+* (strong language and/or mild adult themes).
    • 18+** (sexual adult theme, hentai/porn images or video being shown, or live full or partial nudity***).
  • Please also provide how long your panel would be and how many times you would be able to do your panel (limit 3). We are asking all panels to be at least one hour this year.

Please also provide us with any additional needs you have, such as any technical assistance or supplies you need. Please note that we might not be able to meet all your needs, but will do our best.

Once your panel is submitted, the programming director will review it. If it is accepted, it will be given a time slot... and you will be emailed. You can request to change the assigned time slot by emailing [email protected]. If your time slot is changed, you will be emailed. Make sure you have as a safe sender. Spam filters are never an excuse for not knowing about any possible changes we had to make to your panel.

*16+ is only a suggested age restriction. We do not card for 16+ events and you may still end up with younger individuals in your panel. The most we do is ask how old someone is if they look suspiciously young, and if they say "16", we'll shrug and let them in. You MAY NOT SHOW any sexual images or hentai (images or video) during a 16+ panel.
**We do card for ALL 18+ programming. No card, no entry.

***If you have a panel which may have full or partial nudity you're free to try us... but don't expect a quick acceptance, if we accept it at all.

At Con Information

Panelist Check In:
Panelists should check in for their panel at least thirty minutes before their panel. While we prefer you to check in within an hour of your panel, exceptions can be made to check people in early. Guests are not required to check-in for any of their panels.

Tardy/Absentee Panelist Policy:
When a panelist has failed to check in 30 minutes prior to the event start time, Programming Staff will attempt to contact the panelist. We will do this by calling the at-con phone number provided on the Programming Submission Form. If, at 15 minutes prior to the event start time, Programming Staff are still unable to contact the panelist and no one has checked in, the event will be canceled. This event cancellation cannot be rescinded after it has been communicated to the rest of the convention by social media, Info Desk, and/or Main Stage.

Set Up
As soon as the panel before yours has officially ended, you may begin set up for your panel. Please respect the other panelist and don't rush them out. If possible, try to arrive a few minutes prior to the start of your panel to allow you time for set up.

During Your Event:
  • Issues:
    • If you have any issues during your event, please speak to one of the Volunteers that will be stationed at the panel room. They will be able to assist you, or will alert those capable of assisting you as soon as possible.
  • End Time:
    • Panels will have a time limit and need to be ended 10 minutes earlier than the posted time. This is to allow time for the room to empty and refill and for the next panelist to set up.
    • While we expect you to watch your own time and wrap up your panel by the time limit on your own, our staff will be instructed to show you warning signs as you get close to your time limit. We have signs for 10 minute, 5 minute, and "Time Up" warnings and our staff will hold them up for you as you get close to your time limit Please acknowledge the staffer with the sign with at least eye contact and a nod so that we know you saw the sign.
    • If your panel runs past the time limit into the 10 minute turnover time, a staff member will go to the front and end your panel for you. **Please** don't make us do this. Please just end on time.
    • If the attendees are interested in continuing talking to you after your panel, you are welcome to take the conversation out side of the panel room. Please be mindful of the other panels that may still be going on.
  • Comment Cards:
    • Comment cards will be made available to attendees and will be at the back of the panel rooms. If you collect any comment cards, please bring them to volunteer stationed at the panel room. These comment cards help SNAFU Con ensure we provide the best quality programming for our attendees.